Giving Back Through Music With Limore Zisckind, Bradley Harder, and Hayley Preziosi

Image for “Giving Back Through Music With Limore Zisckind, Bradley Harder, and Hayley Preziosi”, Finding Your Bliss

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On this episode of Finding Your Bliss, we have a whole episode dedicated to music, giving, and kindness. And what all three of our guests all have in common is they are singers and musicians who give back using their music. First up, Limore Zisckind who overcame an advanced breast cancer diagnosis with her special brand of “Aggressive Positivity”, which is now a new book available on Amazon. Her album “Alive” went viral triggering newspaper and international TV coverage. You’re going to meet her and hear her sing today. Also on the program is Pandemic pie-maker Bradley Harder who is giving his pies away for free during Covid-19, and he is also an amazing musician. And last but not least, we will also hear a gorgeous new song, from Singer-Songwriter, vocal coach, and member of the acapella group Countermeasure, Hayley Preziosi.

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