Victoria Lorient-Faibish, Heidi Knobovitch and Jules Halpern

Image for “Victoria Lorient-Faibish, Heidi Knobovitch and Jules Halpern”, Finding Your Bliss

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This week on Finding Your Bliss we have our favourite resident Psychotherapist, Victoria Lorient-Faibish, back on the program. Victoria is a relationship expert, life coach, author of two wonderful books, and inspirational keynote speaker. Victoria is back to talk about Covid burnout, romance during the pandemic, and how to find your bliss during these times. Also on the program, one of our fave regulars, the uber-talented singer/songwriter Jules Halpern. She is back to sing and tell us what she’s been up to these days, and also our host Judy Librach will also be doing a live Bliss coaching session on the air!

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