Excuse My Grandma: Kim Murstein and Grandma Gail

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This week on Finding Your Bliss, we’re joined by the hosts of the popular podcast “Excuse My Grandma”, Kim Murstein and her Grandma Gail!
Excuse My Grandma (@excusemygrandma) has 243k+ followers and 6.3M likes on TikTok and 75k followers on Instagram. Kim and Grandma Gail talk about the generational differences in dating, fashion, and pop culture topics. They also co-host the Excuse My Grandma podcast (Watch Sizzle Reel here) which is consistently in the top #25 on the Apple podcast charts for Relationships. Excuse My Grandma has been featured on the Rachael Ray Show (watch), PIX11 News (watch), The Daily Front Row (read), Elite Daily (read), Buzzfeed (watch) and Market Watch (read).
The host of Finding Your Bliss, Judy Librach has a personal penchant for this topic because she can totally relate to the incredible bond that these two share, because of Judy’s own incredibly close relationship with her grandma. So, not only is the relationship between Kim and Gail heartwarming, but the interaction between the “Excuse My Grandma” hosts and what they talk about is hilarious! Their show helps the older generation really understand texting, swiping, and decoding the lingo of the younger generations (the millennials and Gen Z’s). Judy loves them and is so excited to share this exclusive interview with you all!